Welcome to St Michael and All Angels
St. Michael’s Mount Dinham Exeter is a beacon of Anglo-Catholic liturgy and music in the south west of England; a favoured concert venue and a treasured resource for the community.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Sung Mass is celebrated every Sunday at 11:00am and plainchant Vespers are sung every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm. All regular services times are detailed on our main worship page.
This month’s Sundays, Feast days and open events are listed below. The annual pattern of the main feast days are outlined on our feasts & special services page. We hope you enjoy exploring this website using the tabs across the top of this page and buttons on the right.
• Sunday 5th | EPIPHANY (transferred from 6th)
11:00 Sung Mass, with Fr Nigel Mason
18:00 Evensong & Benediction, with the Ven. David Gunn Johnson
11:00 Sung Mass, with the Ven. David Gunn Johnson
• Sunday 19th | EPIPHANY II
11:00 Sung Mass, with Fr Nigel Mason
• Sunday 26th | EPIPHANY III
11:00 Sung Mass, with the Revd. Hannah Alderson
• Tuesday 28th | S Thomas Aquinas
18:00 Plainchant Mass, with the Revd. Ash Leighton-Plom
• Monday 6th | 1st Day of Epiphanytide
11:00 Festive cuppa and post-Christmas tidy!
• Thursdays 16th, 23rd, 30th | Singing for Wellbeing
10:30-12:30 classes with Marie Free
• Thursday 16th, 23rd, 30th | Ukulele for Beginners
13:30-14:30 classes with Dickon Fell
• Thursday 30th | Djembe Drumming
15:30-17:30 classes with Allan Kerr
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People: Fr Nigel Mason is licensed as our Curate in Charge. Our supporting clergy, PCC and church officers are found on the about and contact pages.
Location: for a map and directions to St Michael’s church, you can find us, here.
Please note: The Iron Bridge which leads to Mount Dinham from the City Wall IS CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT FROM MONDAY 13TH JANUARY FOR 5 MONTHS. Click here for more information and diversion routes.
Parking is free in the spaces on the south side of the church. Collect a pink permit from inside the church to display on your dashboard.
Safeguarding: if you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of those working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team here, or contact St. Michael’s safeguarding deputy lead Sabrina Gröschel, safeguarding@stmichaelsmountdinham.org.uk
Exeter Diocese: advice and news can be found here.
~ St Michael’s was consecrated to the Glory of God at Michaelmas, 29 September 1868 ~
Slide show image credit: St Michael’s Mount Dinham and the Cathedral from the air, Geach Aerial Photography
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